Tunis,31 July 2014, Women have always been an integral part of all societies around the world.
Some communities have taken advantage of female dynamism and turn it into an engine to empower their societies. Today women proved to be extremely competent and professionally skilled to hold higher positions like presidents of greatly leading states notably Brazilian president Dilma Russeff, her country is having one the most important economies in the Western Hemisphere. Angela Merkel a powerful woman that conquered the world of politics as being the chancellor of Germany.
Arab societies will never improve if there was no support from men to women, people need to realize that men and women are
born in the same circumstances and in the same spot of this earth, there is no natural reason that grants a man the right to act superior and freely domineering, the problems lies in the norms set by patriarchal societies, doessuch norms gives women the RESPECT they deserve? Tunisia is a country that revolted against political dictatorship and it is seeking for establishing a modern democratic state, but how about other forms of social dictatorship that they still exist, If women still cannot walk peacefully in the street without being subject to either verbal or physical aggression, then a real deep change must take place in the core of some decayed rotten minds.
Being a female has never been a burden as it is considered so in many societies,women must not be looked at with an inferior eye, they are not a piece of meat that is made to satisfy anyone’s need , not a personal property or a commodity, it is lamentable to see women are treated as such in many third world countries where they are sometimes deprived of basic freedoms such as education, freedom of expression which includes the right to choose, to decide about their own destiny. In Saudi Arabia females cannot even drive a car for they are not considered equal persons. In fact, gender discrimination is widely tolerated in most of Middle Eastern and Gulf regions, it’s no logic that any male member of your family can decide for you or control your life just because he is a male which means for them genderly privileged. A woman must be judged for her competences; her skills and what she holds on her mind, for her output, her efficiency in what she does, thus, living under injustice based on gender segregation is absolutely inacceptable in the 21th century.
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When tackling the situation of women particularly in the oriental societies, we have to shed the light on the issue of “the Honor Killing “ which is spread in Egypt , Jordan , Yemen , ect .. Thousands of young girls are being murdered every year for being suspected to have relationship with men, it has been investigated that after the death of the girl medical tests prove in many cases that the victim was still a virgin which means that she has been killed for no reason but because of some rigid laws of a society led by a complete dark backwardness. The most dangerous thing is that the murderer does not get the deserved punishment since he has an immunity accorded to him for committing a crime related to Honor! I strongly believe that such realities must change and women‘s rights should be further protected and defended.
The mass rapes that took place in Egypt lately is an evidence of how Egyptian women for instance are perceived in their societies, the extreme lack of respect to their presence in the streets of Cairo is a result of a culture based on under estimating and humiliating women, does they have to pay the price every time.
they step out of their traced lines? The worst to mention is that rape victims are voiceless; they are not allowed to express their pain as they have to be abided by the no complaining policy in order to avoid confrontation with a ruthless society.It is really sad to acknowledge that the number of women who are being persecuted, discriminated against, violated, weakened , is very high not only in the Arab region but in most of the world . Standing up for women’ right to be equally treated and to be recognized for their tiniest role in their communities is an urgent need so as to contribute to Women empowerment.
I think that a radical change must happen in order to erase all injustices against Females, for that to see the light talented, well educated young ladies must work progressively on promoting the situation of women, the change lies in the hands of the new generation who must take action. It is time to see a president,a Prime Minister Lady representing the Arab region without pre judging or underestimating her...
*writeen by Nidaa Ben Aouicha